Hrádek - Tour II - The Way Of Silver
Barborská 28, 284 01 Kutná Hora
Tel.: 327 512 159
Fax: 327 513 813
April and October 9.00 – 17.00
May, June and September 9.00 – 18.00
July and August 10.00 – 18.00
November: 10.00 - 16.00
(in case of inconvenient weather (snow,frost) visit of the mine will not be possible and extended tour of the museum will be offered)
Closed on Monday
Tours start every half-hour.
Tour II - "The Way of Silver"
Adults | 120,– CZK |
Children, students | 80,– CZK |
Tours I + II at a special price
Adults | 140,– CZK |
Children, students | 90,– CZK |
Foreign language explanation:
20,- CZK per person
1 group: 50,- CZK
Fee for special tour on request:
1000,- CZK
Children accompanied by parents may visit the mine from the age of 7. Children in group (school excursions, etc.) may enter the mine only from the age of 10. People suffering from claustrophobia, cardiac and respiratory deseases, pregnant women and people with reduced mobility are not allowed to visit the mine. Dogs are not permitted.
For great interest of visitors it is recommended to make a reservation in advance. Reservations are accepted by mail, fax, phone, e-mail or web form. In written reservation please state your name, address, phone or fax, date, number of visitors and your request for foreign language explanation.
medieval mine • mining machine from the 16th century • medieval technology of mining and minting • miners' settlement

The tour introduces the whole process the silver ore had to undergo until a silver coin was struck. Visitors get acquainted with medieval technology of mining, processing raw silver and minting coinage. The tour includes replica of medieval mine with technical equipments, original mining machine powered by horses and original medieval mine. Visitors equipped with a lamp, helmet and mining kirtle with hood go through a 250 m long medieval gallery. The tour is finished in a scenic exposition introducing processing silver ore and minting coins.
Since May 2007, the newest part of the exposition called the Miners' Settlement is open in the garden of Hrádek. It includes log buildings, mining shelters, ore washing gutter, ore shredder with wheel and smelting furnace with blowers and equipment. It is supplemented with figures of workes processing the silver ore.
The tour takes 1,5 hour.
Virtual tour
Format: swf (Flash), size: 1.14 MB
Tour I + II
Includes both tours at a special price. It takes about 2,5 hours.
Czech Museum of Silver,
allowance organisation
Barborská 28
284 01 Kutná Hora
+420 327 512 159
(information about tours)